Advances in Quantum Algebra

January 22 - 27, 2024


Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications (BIMSA)

Tsinghua University


Zhengwei Liu (刘正伟), Tsinghua University

Yilong Wang (王亦龙),BIMSA

Jinsong Wu (吴劲松), BIMSA

Registration Address

Zhongjian Yanqi Lakeview Hotel


Conference Venue:

A6 Lecture Room, BIMSA Campus.

BIMSA Campus:

No. 544 Hefangkou Village, Huairou, Beijing

北京市怀柔区河防口村544号金隅兴发科技园 101408

Jan 22, 2024


Jan 23, 2024

09:30 ~ 09:50 Open Ceremony and Photo
10:00 ~ 10:50 Naihong Hu Some quantization questions related to the two-parameter quantum groups
Tea Break
11:10 ~ 12:00 Vlaar Bart Reflections on quantum integrability - the cylindrical structures at the origin of trigonometric K-matrices
14:00 ~ 14:50 Sheng Tan On quantum groupoids and its applications to quantum double models
15:00 ~ 15:50 Yuze Ruan Jones-Wassermann subfactor and $\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$-orbifold theory for modular categories
Tea Break
16:10 ~ 17:00 Jiaheng Zhang Lagrangian algebras in braided fusion 2-categories

Jan 24, 2024

09:30 ~ 10:20 Fang Li On 2nd-stage quantization of quantum cluster algebras
Tea Break
10:40 ~ 11:30 Haimiao Chen On skein algebras of planar surfaces
14:30 ~ 15:20 Jingcheng Dong Classification of certain weakly integral fusion categories
Tea Break
15:40 ~ 16:30 Zhiqiang Yu On the structure of pre-modular fusion categories of global dimension $p^2$
16:40 ~ 17:30 Xiaoxue Wei Algebras over a symmetric fusion category and integrations

Jan 25, 2024

09:30 ~ 10:30 Zhaobing Fan Geometric approach to quantum algebras
Tea Break
10:40 ~ 11:30 Zhixiang Wu Algebras in pseudotensor categories
14:30 ~ 17:30 Afternoon Discussion

Jan 26, 2024

09:30 ~ 10:20 Libin Li Casimir number: old and new
Tea Break
10:40 ~ 11:30 Zhihua Wang Invariants from the Sweedler power maps on integrals
14:30 ~ 15:20 Sébastien Palcoux Exotic integral quantum symmetry
Tea Break
15:40 ~ 16:30 An-si Bai A universal property of the Drinfeld double of finite dimensional Hopf algebras
16:40 ~ 17:30 Longjun Wu Down-up algebras in combinatorics

Jan 27, 2024

09:30 ~ 10:20 Yunnan Li Rota-Baxter operators of weight 0 on groups and related structures
Tea Break
10:40 ~ 11:30 Liang Chang On 3-manifold invariants from Hopf algebras
14:30 ~ 17:30 Afternoon Discussion
An-si Bai (Southern University of Science and Technology)
A universal property of the Drinfeld double of finite dimensional Hopf algebras
The center of an algebra has a universal property identified by Lurie which can be easily generalized to any object in a category with a monoidal structure. Hopf algebras live naturally in a monoidal 2-category by the observation of Street and McCrudden, and we show that the center of a finite dimensional Hopf algebra coincides with the Drinfeld double construction.
Vlaar Bart (BIMSA)
Reflections on quantum integrability - the cylindrical structures at the origin of trigonometric K-matrices
About 40 years ago, Cherednik introduced the parameter-dependent reflection equation. It has seen many applications, especially in quantum integrable systems with boundaries. Its solutions are called K-matrices. So far a universal framework, similar to that for the Yang-Baxter equation and R-matrices, has been lacking. In joint work with A. Appel we describe cylindrical structures on affine quantum groups, building on work by Bao-Wang and Balagovic-Kolb in finite type. These structures extend the quasitriangular structure (universal R-matrix). They consist of a compatible choice of a coideal subalgebra (called quantum affine fixed-point subalgebra), an algebra automorphism (twist) and an element (universal K-matrix) satisfying a twisted reflection equation. In analogy with Drinfeld’s approach to R-matrices, we explain how many “trigonometric” K-matrices arise.
Liang Chang (Nankai University)
On 3-manifold invariants from Hopf algebras
After Witten’s interpretation of Jones polynomials in terms of quantum field theory, many topological invariants of low dimensional manifolds were constructed from certain algebraic structures, such as modular tensor categories. In 1990s, Kuperberg and Hennings defined 3-manifold invariants using finite dimensional Hopf algebras. In this talk, we will review their construction and relationship. Then, we will talk about the gauge independence of these topological invariants. That is, they provide algebraic invariants of Hopf algebras.
Haimiao Chen (Beijing Technology and Business University)
On skein algebras of planar surfaces
Let \(R\) be a commutative ring with identity and a fixed invertible element \(q^{\frac{1}{2}}\). Let \(\mathcal{S}_n\) denote the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of the planar surface \(\Sigma_{0,n+1}\) over \(R\). When \(q+q^{-1}\) is invertible in \(R\), we find a generating set for \(\mathcal{S}_n\), and show that the ideal of defining relations is generated by relations of degree at most \(6\) supported by certain subsurfaces homeomorphic to \(\Sigma_{0,k+1}\) with \(k\le 6\). When \(q+q^{-1}\) is not invertible, we find another generating set for \(\mathcal{S}_n\), and show that the ideal of defining relations is generated by certain relations of degree at most \(2n+2\).
Jingcheng Dong (Nanjing Agricultural University)
Classification of certain weakly integral fusion categories
We prove that braided fusion categories of Frobenius-Perron \(p^mq^nd\) or \(p^2q^2r^2\) are weakly group-theoretical, where \(p,q,r\) are distinct prime numbers, \(d\) is a square-free natural number such that \((pq,d)=1\). As an application, we obtain that weakly integral braided fusion categories of Frobenius-Perron dimension less than \(1800\) are weakly group-theoretical, and weakly integral braided fusion categories of odd dimension less than \(33075\) are solvable. For the general case, we prove that fusion categories (not necessarily braided) of Frobenius-Perron dimension \(84\) and \(90\) either solvable or group-theoretical. Together with the results in the literature, this shows that every weakly integral fusion category of Frobenius-Perron dimension less than \(120\) is either solvable or group-theoretical. Thus we complete the classification of all these fusion categories in terms of Morita equivalence.
Zhaobing Fan (Harbin Engineering University)
Geometric approach to quantum algebras
In the past thirty years, geometric representation theory has made rapid development, and the geometric approach to quantum algebras is one of directions, which can be regarded as a categorization of quantum algebras. In this talk, I will briefly review some geometric approaches to quantum algebras and recent progress.
Naihong Hu (East China Normal University)
Some quantization questions related to the two-parameter quantum groups
This is a survey talk including some recent results joint with Xiao Xu, Hengyi Wang and Rsuhu Zhuang. One is about the isoclasses of one-parameter exotic quantum small groups at roots of unity, The second is about the descriptions of the Harish-Chandra homomorphism Theorem for two-parameter quantum groups of even rank. If the time permits, I will also talk about the 3rd one, which is about the RLL realizations of two-parameter quantum (affine) algebras of BCD types.
Yunnan Li (Guangzhou University)
Rota-Baxter operators of weight 0 on groups and related structures

The notion of Rota-Baxter group of weight 1 was introduced by Guo, Lang and Sheng as the integration of Rota-Baxter Lie algebra of the same weight. How about the classical case of weight 0? On the other hand, Bardakov and Gubarev found that any Rota-Baxter group G of weight 1 associated with its descendent structure naturally produces a skew brace. When is it particularly a brace? A naive solution requiring G to be abelian only gives the trivial brace.

In order to answer such two questions, we redefine the notion of Rota-Baxter operator on groups, namely that of weight 0, and justify our new definition especially for Lie groups. Its related algebraic structures, such as relative Rota-Baxter operators on groups, pre-groups and the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation, can be discussed correspondingly. This talk is based on joint works with Yunhe Sheng and Rong Tang.

Libin Li (Yanzhou University)
Casimir number: old and new
This talk deals with the Casimir number for a finite rigid tensor category with finitely many isomorphism classes of indecomposable objects, especially, for a fusion category.
Fang Li (Zhejiang University)
On 2nd-stage quantization of quantum cluster algebras
Motivated by the phenomenon that compatible Poisson structures on a cluster algebra play a key role on its quantization (that is, quantum cluster algebra), we introduce the 2nd-stage quantization of a quantum cluster algebra, which means the correspondence between compatible Poisson structures of the quantum cluster algebra and its 2nd-stage quantized cluster algebras. Based on this observation, we find that a quantum cluster algebra possesses a mutually alternating quantum cluster algebra such that their 2nd-stage quantization can be essentially the same. As an example, we give the 2nd-stage quantized cluster algebra \(A_{p,q}(SL(2))\) of \(Fun_{\mathcal{C}}(SL_{q}(2))\) and show that it is a non-trivial 2nd-stage quantization, which may be realized as a parallel supplement to two parameters quantization of the general quantum group. As another example, we present a class of quantum cluster algebras with coefficients which possess a non-trivial 2nd-stage quantization. In particular we obtain a class of quantum cluster algebras from surfaces with coefficients which possess non-trivial 2nd-stage quantization. Finally, we prove that the compatible Poisson structures of a quantum cluster algebra without coefficients is always a locally standard Poisson structure. Following this, it is shown that the 2nd-stage quantization of a quantum cluster algebra without coefficients is in fact trivial.
Sébastien Palcoux (BIMSA)
Exotic integral quantum symmetry
A well-known open problem is to determine whether an exotic integral quantum symmetry exists, more precisely, whether there is an integral fusion category that is not weakly group-theoretical. In the simple case, we find that this is equivalent to the existence of a non-pointed simple integral modular fusion category. One approach to exploring this question involves searching for simple integral fusion rings to ascertain if one that is not group-like can be categorified. In collaboration with Max Alekseyev, Winfried Bruns, Sebastien Burciu, Linzhe Huang, Zhengwei Liu, Fedor Petrov, Yunxiang Ren, and Jinsong Wu, we have developed several categorification criteria. These involve modular arithmetic, hypergroup theory, quantum Fourier analysis, and a localization strategy related to the pentagon equations. We have used these criteria as effective screening tools for our research. As a result of our studies, we have achieved classification results for the Grothendieck rings of simple integral fusion categories up to rank 8, and for the modular data pertaining to integral modular fusion categories up to rank 12.
Yuze Ruan (Tsinghua University)
Jones-Wassermann subfactor and \(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\)-orbifold theory for modular categories
Given a unitary modular category \(\mathcal{C}\), we constructed a \(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\) extension of \(\mathcal{C}\boxtimes\mathcal{C}\) which includes all twisted sectors with braidings, generalizing the \(\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}\) orbifold theory of modular category coming from conformal field theory. It fully generalized the construction of Liu-Xu of a single twisted sector corresponding to \(2\)-interval Jones-Wassermann subfactor. The applications will also be discussed, this is a joint work with Zhengwei Liu.
Sheng Tan (BIMSA)
On quantum groupoids and its applications to quantum double models
Kitaev’s quantum double model has been studied from the lattice model perspective and gauge theory perspective. It can be established from the notions of group algebra and Hopf algebra. Quantum groupoid (a.k.a. weak Hopf algebra) is a generalization of the previous two notions. In this talk, first we will introduce the notion of quantum groupoid and then we will discuss its applications to quantum double models, including the lattice model construction and symmetry breaking based on quantum groupoids.
Zhihua Wang (Taizhou University)
Invariants from the Sweedler power maps on integrals
For a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra \(A\) with a nonzero left integral \(\Lambda\), we investigate a relationship between \(P_n(\Lambda)\) and \(P_n^J(\Lambda)\), where \(P_n\) and \(P_n^J\) are respectively the \(n\)-th Sweedler power maps of \(A\) and the twisted Hopf algebra \(A^J\). We use this relation to give several invariants of the representation category Rep\((A)\) considered as a tensor category. As applications, we distinguish the representation categories of 12-dimensional pointed nonsemisimple Hopf algebras. Also, these invariants are sufficient to distinguish the representation categories Rep\((K_8)\), Rep\((\mathcal Q_8)\) and Rep\((\mathcal D_4)\), although they have been completely distinguished by their Frobenius-Schur indicators. We further reveal a relationship between the right integrals \(\lambda\) in \(A^*\) and \(\lambda^J\) in \((A^J)^*\). This can be used to give a uniform proof of the remarkable result which says that the \(n\)-th indicator \(\nu_n(A)\) is a gauge invariant of \(A\) for any \(n\in \mathbb{Z}\). We also use the expression for \(\lambda^J\) to give an alternative proof of the known result that the Killing form of the Hopf algebra \(A\) is invariant under twisting. As a result, the dimension of the Killing radical of \(A\) is a gauge invariant of \(A\).
Xiaoxue Wei (University of Science and Technology of China)
Algebras over a symmetric fusion category and integrations
We study the symmetric monoidal 2-category of finite semisimple module categories over a symmetric fusion category. In particular, we study \(E_n\)-algebras in this 2-category and compute their \(E_n\)-centers for \(n=0,1,2\). We also compute the factorization homology of stratified surfaces with coefficients given by \(E_n\)-algebras in this 2-category for \(n=0,1,2\) satisfying certain anomaly-free conditions.
Longjun Wu (Harbin Institute of Technology)
Down-up algebras in combinatorics
Down-up algebras are a special class of hyperbolic ring, cf. A. L. Rosenberg, Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Representations of Quantized Algebras, Kluwer, 1995. Differential posets, defined in R. P. Stanley, Differential posets, Journal of the American Mathematical Society (1988), are a special class of partially ordered sets that share many combinatorial and algebraic properties as Young’s lattice. The fundamental tool to explore differential posets is a pair of adjoint linear transformations \(U\) and \(D\), called up and down operator respectively, which have the relation \(DU-UD=rI\) for some positive integer \(r\). Dual graded graph, developed in S. Fomin, Duality of graded graphs, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics (1994), is a generalization of differential posets. In this talk, we will discuss some algebraic and combinatorial results related to these concepts.
Zhixiang Wu (Zhejiang University)
Algebras in pseudotensor categories
In this talk, I will introduce the pseudotensor category and some algebras in a pseudotensor category determined by a Hopf algebra.
Zhiqiang Yu (Yangzhou University)
On the structure of pre-modular fusion categories of global dimension \(p^2\)
In this talk, I will talk about some progress made in the classification of (pre-)modular fusion categories by global dimension. Explicitly, let \(p\) be a prime, by using both of algebraic and arithmetic properties of modular fusion categories, we give a complete classification of non-simple (pre-)modular fusion categories of global dimension \(p^2\).
Jiaheng Zhang (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Lagrangian algebras in braided fusion 2-categories
Fusion 2-categories are categorification of fusion categories, and they are closely related to the theory of topological phases of matter. For example, (2+1)D topological orders are described by fusion 2-categories while (3+1)D topological orders are described by braided fusion 2-categories. There are natural notions of (commutative) algebras in a (braided) fusion 2-category. The representation theory of these algebras corresponds to string condensations in topological order. Lagrangian algebras are special commutative algebras whose condensed phase is trivial. In this talk, I briefly explain the above notions and give specific examples in \(\mathfrak{Z}_1(2Rep(Z_2))\), which corresponds to the (3+1)D toric code. In particular, I give three examples of Lagrangian algebras in this category.