Operator algebras, bi-unitary connections and tensor networks

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi

April 16 - 24, 2024

Course Info

Title: Operator algebras, bi-unitary connections and tensor networks

Instructor: Prof. Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (The University of Tokyo)

Venue: Classroom A3-4-101

Abstract: Tensor categories have emerged as a new type of “quantum symmetry” generalizing classical group symmetry in various fields of mathematics and physics such as quantum groups, quantum topological invariants, quantum information, vertex operator algebras, conformal field theory and topological order in condensed matter physics. The Jones theory of subfactors in operator algebras give a powerful method to study such symmetries. A bi-unitary connection is a tool to describe such tensor categories using finite dimensional unitary matrices and particularly suited to study tensor networks in 2-dimensional topological order.

He will present this theory without assuming knowledge on operator algebras.


Date Time
April 16  3:20~4:55PM
April 17  3:20~4:55PM
April 23  3:20~4:55PM
April 24  3:20~4:55PM
