YMSC-BIMSA Quantum Information Seminar


Dec 15, 2023
Zhengwei Liu (刘正伟), Tsinghua University
Infinite TQFT
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
We will talk about the higher dimensional analogue of the one-parameter family of Temperley-Lieb-Jones planar algebras in any dimension.
Dec 08, 2023
Nicolai Reshetikhin, Tsinghua University
Invariants of knots with flat connections in the complement.
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
Dec 01, 2023
Roberto Longo , University of Rome Tor Vergata
Signal communication and modular theory
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Zoom Meeting 787 662 9899
I propose a conceptual frame to interpret the prolate differential operator, which appears in Communication Theory, as an entropy operator; indeed, I write its expectation values as a sum of terms, each subject to an entropy reading by an embedding suggested by Quantum Field Theory. This adds meaning to the classical work by Slepian et al. on the problem of simultaneously concentrating a function and its Fourier transform, in particular to the “lucky accident” that the truncated Fourier transform commutes with the prolate operator. The key is the notion of entropy of a vector of a complex Hilbert space with respect to a real linear subspace, recently introduced by the author by means of the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory of von Neumann algebras, and studied in collaboration with Ciolli, Morsella, and Ruzzi. I consider a generalization of the prolate operator to the higher dimensional case and show that it admits a natural extension commuting with the truncated Fourier transform; this partly generalizes the one-dimensional result by Connes to the effect that there exists a natural selfadjoint extension to the full line commuting with the truncated Fourier transform.
Nov 24, 2023
Zhengwei Liu (刘正伟), Tsinghua university
Infinite TQFT
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
We introduce the theory of infinite topological quantum field theory.
Nov 17, 2023
Zhengwei Liu (刘正伟), Tsinghua university
Quantum information and subfactors
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
We will discuss the connection between mathematical concepts in subfactors theory and physical concepts in quantum information. This leads to new insight on the study of quantum information.
Nov 10, 2023
Zhengwei Liu (刘正伟), Tsinghua university
Quantum information and subfactors
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
We will discuss the connection between mathematical concepts in subfactors theory and physical concepts in quantum information. This leads to new insight on the study of quantum information.
Nov 03, 2023
Ziwen Liu (刘子文), Tsinghua university
Complexity and order in approximate quantum error-correcting codes
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
Tencent Meeting 712 608 88756
Quantum codes achieving approximate quantum error correction (AQEC) are useful, often fundamentally important, from both practical and physical perspectives but lack a systematic understanding. In this work, we establish rigorous connections between quantum circuit complexity and approximate quantum error correction (AQEC) properties, covering both all-to-all and geometric scenarios including lattice systems. To this end, we introduce a type of code parameter that we call “subsystem variance”, which is closely related to the optimal AQEC precision. Our key finding is that if the subsystem variance is below an O(k/n) critical threshold then any state in the code subspace must obey certain circuit complexity lower bounds, which identify nontrivial “phases” of codes. Based on our results, we propose O(k/n) as a boundary between subspaces that should and should not count as AQEC codes. Our theory of AQEC provides a versatile framework for understanding the quantum complexity and order of many-body quantum systems, offering new insights for wide-ranging physical scenarios, in particular, topological order and critical quantum systems, which are of outstanding importance in many-body and high energy physics. We observe from various different perspectives that roughly O(1/n) represents a common, physically significant “scaling threshold” of subsystem variance for features associated with nontrivial quantum order.
Oct 27, 2023
Yuguo Shao , Tsinghua University
Simulating Noisy Variational Quantum Algorithms
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
Tencent Meeting 712 608 88756
Large-scale variational quantum algorithms are widely recognized as a potential pathway to achieve practical quantum advantages. However, the presence of quantum noise might suppress and undermine these advantages, which blurs the boundaries of classical simulability. To gain further clarity on this matter, we present a novel polynomial-scale method based on the path integral of observable’s back-propagation on Pauli paths (OBPPP). This method efficiently approximates expectation values of operators in variational quantum algorithms with bounded truncation error in the presence of independent single-qubit depolarizing noise. Theoretically, we rigorously prove: 1) For a fixed noise rate λ, OBPPP’s time and space complexity exhibit a polynomial relationship with the number of qubits n, the circuit depth L. 2) For variable λ, the computational complexity holds Poly (n, L) when λ exceeds 1/log L, while the computational complexity grows exponential with L when λ falls below 1/L. Numerically, we conduct classical simulations of IBM’s zero-noise extrapolated experimental results on the 127-qubit Eagle processor [Nature 618, 500 (2023)]. Our method attains higher accuracy and faster runtime compared to the quantum device. Furthermore, our approach allows us to simulate noisy outcomes, enabling accurate reproduction of IBM’s unmitigated results that directly correspond to raw experimental observations. Our research reveals the vital role of noise in classical simulations and the derived method is general in computing the expected value for a broad class of quantum circuits and can be applied in the verification of quantum computers.
Oct 20, 2023
Yishuai Niu, BIMSA
Difference-of-Convex Programming: Approaches to Large-Scale, Non-Convex, and Non-Smooth Optimization with Applications
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
Tencent Meeting 712 6088 8756
Dive into the captivating world of Difference-of-Convex (DC) programming as we explore its fundamental principles and the renowned DCA algorithms for tackling large-scale non-smooth and nonconvex optimization challenges. This talk offers a holistic overview, beginning with the core concepts of DC programming, its primary challenges, and gradually unfolding the significance and theoretical foundations of the DCA method. A spotlight will be on our recent advancements in accelerated DC programming techniques, highlighting their potential and effectiveness. Moreover, we’ll bridge theory with practice by delving into a plethora of applications encompassing polynomial optimization, mixed-integer programming, eigenvalue problems, image denoising, natural language processing, portfolio investment, and facial synthesis. Through these avenues, we aim to showcase the inherent ties between these diverse applications and DC programming, elucidating the advantages and outcomes of employing the DC algorithms. Join us on this enlightening journey, where theory meets practical results. Whether you’re an expert or a curious novice, we hope there’s something for everyone!
Sep 22, 2023
Jinzhao Sun, Imperial College London
Quantum computing approaches to quantum many-body problems
16:00 ~ 17:00 (Beijing Time)
Shuangqing Building A626 (双清综合大楼A626)
Tencent Meeting 494 8360 9451 (PASSWORD 2023)
Quantum many-body problems in general can be divided into two classes, static and dynamic problems, which correspond to the estimation of eigenstate properties (such as eigenenergies and observable expectation of eigenstates), and dynamical properties (such as response to an external field), respectively. While the advent of quantum computing has opened up new possibilities for examining classically challenging problems, the current generation of quantum technology does not yet present a feasible, standalone way to solve many interesting quantum many-body problems. In this talk, I will begin with an overview of the current state of quantum computing. I will then introduce quantum algorithms for solving these two types of problems and the associated algorithmic complexities. Following that, I will discuss the limitations inherent in quantum computation with noisy or early fault-tolerant quantum devices in the context of quantum many-body problems.